How to use lemon for common beauty problems

Nature has gifted us with many beautiful, fragrant and tasty fruits. Each fruit is packed with nutrients that can benefit us in a number of ways. Natural remedies are effective, cheap and easy so why not learn about them and try them out? Sometimes we find an easy solution to problems that have been disturbing us for long. In a previous post, I wrote about the health benefits of lemon. Now let’s see how this citrus fruit can enhance our looks by solving many of our common beauty problems.
Acne and blackheads: This is a problem that has plagued almost everyone of us some time or the other. The powerful anti fungal and antibacterial properties that lemon has makes it awesome for treating acne and blackheads. Just mix a few drops of honey in lemon juice and leave on your face for about 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse off and you will start seeing the change in a few days. You can cut a lemon in half and apply it directly to your skin but be sure not to go out in sunlight when you have applied lemon juice on your face.
Dark spots and scars: Citric acid in lemon juice fades out dark spots and helps to even your skin tone. It is also useful on elbows and knees where it lightens the skin color. Cut a lemon in half and and apply on the affected parts.
Oily skin: You can get rid of the oily shine on your face by simply swiping your face with a few drops of lemon juice on a cotton swab.This helps to get rid of the oils in the skin and gives you a fresh look.


For radiant complexion: The detoxifying property of lemon helps clean various toxins that get accumulated in our bodies. Regular use of lemon juice thus helps us to rid the body of toxins and gives our face a clean and glowing complexion.
For strengthening nails: A mixture of lemon juice and olive oil helps to strengthen and condition the nails. It also helps to whiten the yellow tinge on nails .
For whitening teeth: Whiten your teeth with a simple home made remedy. Make a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice and apply this bubbly mixture to your teeth. After about a minute, brush your teeth and rinse will see the effect. Don’t to leave it on for more than a minute.The acid in the lemon can erode enamel on the teeth so be careful when using it.
For scalp and dandruff: Lemon juice is good for dry scalp and for treating dandruff. It can also be used in combination with olive oil or coconut oil.
As a hair lightener:  Applying lemon juice to the hair and exposing to sunlight brightens the hair and gives it a lighter tone.
Remedy for chapped lips:  Apply lemon juice to your lips at night and wash in the morning. It will clear the dead cells and make the lips really smooth.


Photo by Ernest Porzi on Unsplash



8 thoughts on “How to use lemon for common beauty problems

    1. Thanks for reading. Lemons contain chemicals which, when exposed to sunlight, can irritate or burn the skin, so it is better to use these treatments at night. But you can use a protector if you use lemon during the day and have to go out.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I am also a great fan of lemons, I just love the smell and enjoy making a good lemon drizzle cake. Thanks for sharing all your tips 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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