Flower of the Day-June 9

Here is my entry for Cee's Flower of the Day- June 9. Every day we find a beautiful flower to enjoy in Cee's blog. I am adding one of my own also today. I hope it makes a good addition to Cee's beautiful bouquet.

How To Make A Simple Flower Arrangement

Flower arranging is an interesting and pleasurable activity. Handling colorful flowers and creating beautiful arrangements is a gratifying experience, in addition to the joy and vibrancy that the arrangement itself brings. I feel everyone should try it, it is not as difficult as it seems. I have been trying to do some arrangements lately and... Continue Reading →

Preserving The Delights Of Spring

The wonderful season of spring is now giving way to summer. Temperatures are rising fast in most parts of the world. The huge variety of beautiful flowers that spread over the earth in the form of a colorful carpet have said welcome to the new year and are now going into the dormant state of... Continue Reading →

Prolific Blooms

Here is my entry for the WordPress Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Prolific. I have presented my idea of 'prolific' in the form of a photo and poem:   Prolific blooms Adorn the earth As it starts to awaken From the deep winter swoon   Tender plants Sprout all around Everywhere, in abundance Fresh, Luxuriant, lush... Continue Reading →

A Touch Of Green

A touch of green is always pleasing, be it indoors or outdoors. Having real plants at home can be a great pleasure. The green colour of plants is soothing to the eyes and refreshing for the mind. Who wouldn’t love having a garden of green plants and colourful flowers? If there is no space, one... Continue Reading →

A Fresh Start

  All around new blooms I see In every hedge, on every tree New leaves sprout in sparkling green A fresh look everywhere is seen   Flowers so adorn the earth It seems to be the earth’s rebirth A rainbow onto earth descends The distances it so transcends   The air is filled with sweet... Continue Reading →

Spring is in the air!

With new leaves sprouting and flowers blooming all around, it looks like the earth has come to life again. Snow melts, fresh buds bloom, animals awaken and everything gets a refreshing touch. Birds seem merrier than ever, their song and fragrance of flowers fills the air and gives a wonderful experience for all our senses.... Continue Reading →

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