11 Health Benefits of Beetroot

Beetroot, a variety of the Beta vulgaris plant, has been recognized for its medicinal and nutritious properties for thousands of years. Chock-full of essential minerals and nutrients, this deep colored vegetable is a power food that should always form an important part of our weekly menu. It has the following health benefits. 1. Highly nutritious... Continue Reading →

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea, a refreshing drink made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant is considered to be the healthiest beverage on earth. Packed with materials that are highly beneficial, green tea works wonders for the body. Its medicinal properties have been recognized for centuries throughout the world. Drinking a few cups every day gives a... Continue Reading →

As Cool As Cucumber…

With a pleasant taste and refreshing aroma, the cucumber is a vegetable (technically it's a fruit) that is liked by everybody. It is used in a number of ways- in salads, detox drinks or smoothies. I have always liked cucumber but was not fully aware of its benefits. I recently read about the awesome health... Continue Reading →

Health benefits of lemon

One of the fruits that I really like is the lemon. Its sweet aroma is so pleasing that I would like to have it around me whole day. In the olden days, lemon was a rare fruit and used to be given to kings as a gift. A few drops of lemon squeezed on food... Continue Reading →

Refresh Yourself

I was going through loads and loads of articles on the internet trying to learn some of the things the new internet lifestyle has to offer, and of course searching for ways to get along with the blog that I have started. I found out that the more I searched, the deeper I found myself... Continue Reading →

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